

Feng Shui and Wellness

There is a direct relationship between your health and wellbeing and the quality of energy in your home and workspace.

Feng Shui has a direct impact on your health and well-being.

Traditional Feng Shui doesn’t rely on superstitions widely used in “Western Feng Shui.”

We partner with leaders in different fields to do workshops, provide wellness products ( including CBD Oils), and interior designers who help design your home, office, and/or healthcare facility.

Traditional Feng Shui measures your property and home and relies on ancient Chinese wisdom to create a Feng Shui map and detailed report for your residential home, your office, or healthcare facility.

We aim to bring wellness to as many people as possible by doing Feng Shui consults, workshops, educational content, and timely blog posts.

Feng Shui and Your Health

PurMed CBD Products

CBD Wellness Products We are dedicated to improving lives through innovative, individualized care. We are excited to offer 100% THC-free CBD products that can offer therapeutic potential. We’ve partnered with PurMed Global to provide access to the highest quality Pharmacist Formulated CBD Wellness Products. All of [...]

Yummy, Healthy Spring Recipes

Spring is a beautiful time to explore and play with healthy, wonderful, and delicious recipes. I love gardening. I love cooking. I love coming up with new recipes as the vegetables appear in my garden and farmers' markets near me. Sesame Snap Peas with optional [...]

Feng Shui Summer Recipe

It's 90 degrees so I wanted a Feng Shui recipe that was cool & healthy that I could conjure up from my garden. I decided to incorporate all of Feng Shui's five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, wood)  to create a dish mostly from our organic garden. [...]

Feng Shui and Your Environment

PurMed CBD Products

CBD Wellness Products We are dedicated to improving lives through innovative, individualized care. We are excited to offer 100% THC-free CBD products that can offer therapeutic potential. We’ve partnered with PurMed Global to provide access to the highest quality Pharmacist Formulated CBD Wellness Products. All of [...]

Earth Acupuncture & Health

If you have been treated by an acupuncturist or energy worker (such as a Reiki practitioner), you are aware of meridians in the body. Meridians channel the flow of energy and can become blocked or stagnant. When this happens, it can result in health consequences. The [...]

Feng Shui and Design

True Account – Commercial #1 – Rental Properties, Apartments, Townhouses, Homicide

Introduction When you understand the energy footprint of the property and structure that you are considering, or moving into or currently occupy, it is empowering. You make educated decisions that save time, help with health and relationships, and manifest abundance. Ask yourself … how did previous occupants experience the space [...]

Easy Feng Shui Tip for Beginners

Clear Spaces: An Easy Feng Shui Tip for Beginners. A powerful feng shui process is to clear spaces throughout your house that block the flow of energy. Traditional Feng Shui looks at the flow and movement of energy within a space and purposefully guides it to have the greatest benefit [...]

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