
daily, monthly, yearly, and 20-year cycle energies

Great News for Women! – Feng Shui Period 9

I wrote about this last year and it’s worth repeating. Have heard from so many of you about frustrations with today’s political climate including diversity challenges. Well, it’s time for breakdown to breakthrough so here’s some news you can use. Take this time of uncertainty to put your thinking caps on. Take stock of where [...]

Great News for Women! – Feng Shui Period 92025-02-17T08:05:09-05:00

2024 Feng Shui Holiday Tips & Blessings

During the holiday season, we reflect on blessings, faith, family, and the future. The holidays are hectic, let alone what we have gone through in 2024. Presents, cards, decorating, cooking, cleaning, cookies, candy, just the list alone creates stress! Feng Shui can be used to mitigate this stress. Feng Shui is meant to bring balance [...]

2024 Feng Shui Holiday Tips & Blessings2024-12-18T14:16:26-05:00

The Time for Women is Now! – Feng Shui Period 9

You name it … female empowerment, choice about our bodies, women’s rights, leadership, equal pay – now is the time to act! We entered period 9 on February 4, 2024, which lasts for 20 years and ends in February 2044. Period 9 represents the middle daughter and is impactful for women (especially influential on women [...]

The Time for Women is Now! – Feng Shui Period 92024-09-24T09:14:43-04:00

Stroke Caused Paralysis and Lost Speech, Open-heart Surgery

Why: The male homeowner suffered a stroke. He was paralyzed on the right-side of his body and needed a wheelchair for mobility. He had open-heart surgery. His ability to speak was gone. He could no longer work at his job, and their life was turned up-side down. What: Just as each building has its own [...]

Stroke Caused Paralysis and Lost Speech, Open-heart Surgery2023-06-24T08:54:31-04:00

True Account – Commercial #1 – Rental Properties, Apartments, Townhouses, Homicide

Introduction When you understand the energy footprint of the property and structure that you are considering, or moving into or currently occupy, it is empowering. You make educated decisions that save time, help with health and relationships, and manifest abundance. Ask yourself … how did previous occupants experience the space … fulfilled, happy, successful, communicative; [...]

True Account – Commercial #1 – Rental Properties, Apartments, Townhouses, Homicide2023-06-15T07:53:58-04:00

Money & Wealth and How Feng Shui Can Help

Have you heard the cliché money attracts money? Are there disciplines the wealthy use so their money makes more money? Sure there are. Whether it’s utilizing financial planners, maintaining a balance between income and debt, or saving a little on a recurring basis…there is credence in the abundance conversation. If on a daily basis we [...]

Money & Wealth and How Feng Shui Can Help2023-04-25T10:00:08-04:00

True Account – Residential #1 – Family, Health, Fear, Hauntings

Highlights: Family, Health, Fear, Hauntings How they found me: Physician Referral Location: Midwest USA Introduction When you understand the energy footprint of the property and structure you are moving into or currently occupy, it is empowering. You make educated decisions that save time, help with health and relationships, and manifest abundance. Ask yourself … how [...]

True Account – Residential #1 – Family, Health, Fear, Hauntings2023-03-31T13:39:21-04:00

Schedule Your Personal Strategy Session 2023

Schedule Your Personal Strategy Session 2023 Today! Your Personal Strategy Session is actually two-fold and explores your personal Feng Shui and Chinese astrology impacts for 2023. What is your energy for the upcoming 4 (soft-wood & wind) Feng Shui year? If you’re Ming Gua number is anything but 9 (fire), 2023 is more complicated. Find your [...]

Schedule Your Personal Strategy Session 20232023-02-17T16:27:59-05:00

Feng Shui and The 2023 Wind Year

Feng Shui and The 2023 Wind Year ‘What’s up with the weather lately and how does it relate to Feng Shui for 2023?’ is a question I covered in the recent 2023 Trends webinar. If you weren’t able to attend the webinar, I’ll make it available for you via video for a limited time. This [...]

Feng Shui and The 2023 Wind Year2023-02-15T13:22:42-05:00

Your Personal Strategy Session 2023

Your Personal Strategy Session 2023 Your Personal Strategy Session is actually two-fold and explores your personal Feng Shui and Chinese astrology impacts for 2023. What is your energy for the upcoming 4 (soft-wood & wind) Feng Shui year? If you’re Ming Gua number is anything but 9 (fire), 2023 is more complicated. Find your Ming Gua [...]

Your Personal Strategy Session 20232022-11-16T15:35:18-05:00
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