
Environmental Factors

Prepare Then Go With The Flow

While holding up in the basement one evening, I was tweeting about the storm and huge hail that was pounding the window. I offered to share my preparedness list on social media when Bonnie from Beverly Hills suggested it would make a great blog entry. What a fabulous idea! So, here it is. As you [...]

Prepare Then Go With The Flow2018-02-08T12:51:23-05:00

Case Study – Feng Shui & Earth Acupuncture to Heal Our Land

This case study on earth acupuncture is an ideal way to learn about the earth’s energy- impact on us and our health. This client was referred by a physician because they were experiencing ambiguous health and mental issues which included fatigue, lack of motivation, indecision, upset, illicit activities in the neighborhood, and neighborhood tragedies. The [...]

Case Study – Feng Shui & Earth Acupuncture to Heal Our Land2018-01-30T09:35:13-05:00

Feng Shui and the Weather

‘What’s up with the weather lately and how does it relate to Feng Shui,’ is a question I covered in a recent newsletter. There’s been so much interest in this, I was asked to expand on the discussion. Does the weather relate to Feng Shui? Yes! In classic Feng Shui, energy (or chi) is associated [...]

Feng Shui and the Weather2018-04-09T09:07:50-04:00
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