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Myers-Briggs Workshop


Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) Back by Popular Demand! This Workshop sells out every time! This workshop is likely UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role-play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back for more with [...]

Myers-Briggs Workshop2023-07-14T09:11:12-04:00

Myers-Briggs Workshop


Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) Back by Popular Demand! This Workshop sells out every time! This workshop is likely UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back for more [...]

Myers-Briggs Workshop2018-06-01T18:29:48-04:00

Personalized Myers-Briggs Workshops


” I  participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.
My business is all about people, so as a leader I need to equip and empower my organization with tools and skills that enable its and their success. Sometimes as business owners we need to realize we can’t do it all on our own.
I had specific objectives in bringing Diana out, and we exceeded them. Beyond the customized workshop and due to Diana’s corporate background and wisdom, she was flexible with my requests which resulted in a strategic-planning coaching session that included organizational structure, company goals, recruiting, and training. I have more insight as to where people’s strengths are as well as how to help them stretch; as well as how to grow my company.”

" I  participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.   My business is all about people, so as [...]

Personalized Myers-Briggs Workshops2017-08-13T15:10:12-04:00

When You Stop Learning, You’re in the Ground


Since school is back in session, my focus this month includes education, self-development, and safety. Goodness sakes … the news every day is about child violence and school shootings. Education: My Dad used to say that when we stop learning, we’re in the ground (or have passed on). Since you are reading this, you are [...]

When You Stop Learning, You’re in the Ground2023-09-07T16:48:55-04:00

True Account – Commercial #1 – Rental Properties, Apartments, Townhouses, Homicide


Introduction When you understand the energy footprint of the property and structure that you are considering, or moving into or currently occupy, it is empowering. You make educated decisions that save time, help with health and relationships, and manifest abundance. Ask yourself … how did previous occupants experience the space … fulfilled, happy, successful, communicative; [...]

True Account – Commercial #1 – Rental Properties, Apartments, Townhouses, Homicide2023-06-15T07:53:58-04:00

True Account – Residential #1 – Family, Health, Fear, Hauntings


Highlights: Family, Health, Fear, Hauntings How they found me: Physician Referral Location: Midwest USA Introduction When you understand the energy footprint of the property and structure you are moving into or currently occupy, it is empowering. You make educated decisions that save time, help with health and relationships, and manifest abundance. Ask yourself … how [...]

True Account – Residential #1 – Family, Health, Fear, Hauntings2023-03-31T13:39:21-04:00

2023 Trends Webinar – Be Empowered in the 4 Soft-Wood and Water Rabbit Year


2023 Trends Webinar – Be Empowered in the 4 Soft-Wood and Water Rabbit Year A Must-attend Virtual Event! As you know, my corporate background includes strategic planning and risk management. My approach to Feng Shui is a continuation of that. This workshop is so packed with information and tips, you won’t want to miss it. [...]

2023 Trends Webinar – Be Empowered in the 4 Soft-Wood and Water Rabbit Year2022-12-21T10:22:26-05:00

Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work


A workshop on Feng Shui: presented for Central Ohio Better Business Bureau. Regardless of your work environment (office, cubicle, home, shared, or remote), there are tips that you can apply immediately. Enjoy! In this presentation, you will learn how to improve your relationships with: People Your work environment Energy productivity Creativity Flow in and [...]

Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work2022-08-30T12:37:49-04:00



Feng Shui and Wellness There is a direct relationship between your health and wellbeing and the quality of energy in your home and workspace. Feng Shui has a direct impact on your health and well-being. Traditional Feng Shui doesn't rely on superstitions widely used in "Western Feng Shui." We partner with leaders in different [...]


Home and Business Feng Shui Testimonial


My husband and I hired Diana Garber of Intuitive Concepts for Feng Shui on the recommendation of a friend. My husband runs a risk-management training company, so he and Diana shared that background. I’m a mother, lawyer, and writer.  Our goals included more financial and business success, clearer boundaries with work-life balance, improved relationships with [...]

Home and Business Feng Shui Testimonial2021-07-30T11:53:13-04:00
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