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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)™ Workshop: It was Great … Educational, Interactive, and Fun!


Recently Mid-Ohio Generators LLC asked me to conduct a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)™ workshop. The management team responded that the workshop was great … educational, interactive, and fun. They especially liked the hands-on exercises, learning about personality types, and how to communicate with others in a more empowering way. If you would like to host [...]

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)™ Workshop: It was Great … Educational, Interactive, and Fun!2023-07-14T09:12:11-04:00

Workshop: Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work


Workshop: Sponsored by the Better Business Bureau Creating Balance & Relieving Stress at Work June 16th | 1:30 - 2:30 PM Today’s work environment can change from day to day and is more demanding than ever – do more with less and have it done yesterday. For you, is this at an office building, [...]

Workshop: Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work2022-06-14T19:39:09-04:00

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Workshop


Coming up soon, March 27th workshop. This workshop sells out every time! Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) This workshop is likely, UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back [...]

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Workshop2021-03-11T11:18:09-05:00

Myers-Briggs Personal Type Indicator Workshop


This workshop sells out every time! Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) This workshop is likely, UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back for more with their friends and [...]

Myers-Briggs Personal Type Indicator Workshop2023-07-14T09:10:37-04:00

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series March


RescYOU Remedy Workshop March By Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master, Intuitive Concepts and Leesa Scott, Wellness Consultant, Fresh Life Connection Be informed and empowered! Live joyfully and abundantly! Rescue YOU through Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Wellness, and Fun!! Topics for each month: Feng Shui Energy for the month, a 4 soft-wood month in a [...]

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series March2021-02-15T13:40:30-05:00

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, February


RescYOU through Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Wellness, and Fun!! Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021, Noon – 1:30 Eastern. We are excited to provide this Virtual Workshop Series with: Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master, Intuitive Concepts and Leesa Scott, Wellness Consultant, Fresh Life Connection Topics we will cover each month: Feng Shui Energy Who is best [...]

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, February2021-02-02T13:35:21-05:00

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, January


Be informed and empowered! Live joyfully and abundantly! Rescue YOU through Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Wellness, and Fun!! Sorry, we will miss you and this event is now closed We are excited to announce this Virtual Workshop Series with: Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master, Intuitive Concepts and Leesa Scott, Wellness Consultant, Fresh Life Connection Topics [...]

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, January2020-12-17T17:49:23-05:00

Kanodia MD Team-Building Workshop*


*This is a private event. First, congratulations to Dr. Kanodia for his appearance on The Doctors! Team-building workshops don’t cost extra as it’s part of my commitment to a client. This education series helps staff understand how Feng Shui is incorporated into their work environment, how patients benefit, and how staff can utilize this new [...]

Kanodia MD Team-Building Workshop*2020-08-06T09:40:49-04:00

Feng Shui Workshops at the Ronald McDonald House


Since people have been asking about the workshops I offer regularly at the Ronald McDonald House Charities, I decided to write a blog about it. The topic is always "Feng Shui for Healing & Comfort". These workshops are for patients, their families, and caregivers. If you know of anyone that will be there during an [...]

Feng Shui Workshops at the Ronald McDonald House2019-10-22T20:35:00-04:00

Myers-Briggs Workshop – September 2018


Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) Back by Popular Demand! This Workshop sells out every time!   This workshop is likely UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back for [...]

Myers-Briggs Workshop – September 20182018-08-06T16:26:34-04:00
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