Case Studies

True Story: Home Feng Shui Changes Family’s Life for the Better

After relocating to Ohio, a lovely family of seven met with unexpected challenges. First, the husband’s promised promotion didn’t happen, and he was traveling constantly, and then one of the children fell ill with cancer. Everyone in the family was suffering in some way and they definitely weren’t thriving. In addition, while their new house [...]

True Story: Home Feng Shui Changes Family’s Life for the Better2024-03-07T13:18:24-05:00

Stroke Caused Paralysis and Lost Speech, Open-heart Surgery

Why: The male homeowner suffered a stroke. He was paralyzed on the right-side of his body and needed a wheelchair for mobility. He had open-heart surgery. His ability to speak was gone. He could no longer work at his job, and their life was turned up-side down. What: Just as each building has its own [...]

Stroke Caused Paralysis and Lost Speech, Open-heart Surgery2023-06-24T08:54:31-04:00

True Account – Commercial #1 – Rental Properties, Apartments, Townhouses, Homicide

Introduction When you understand the energy footprint of the property and structure that you are considering, or moving into or currently occupy, it is empowering. You make educated decisions that save time, help with health and relationships, and manifest abundance. Ask yourself … how did previous occupants experience the space … fulfilled, happy, successful, communicative; [...]

True Account – Commercial #1 – Rental Properties, Apartments, Townhouses, Homicide2023-06-15T07:53:58-04:00

Recovery from Stroke, Heart Surgery, Paralysis, and Lost Speech

Feng Shui and Health Success Story This client came to me with a multitude of health issues they wanted to address. We were able to use Feng Shui for recovery from health issues. The Problem The head of the household suffered a stroke. The following month he had open-heart surgery. He was paralyzed on the [...]

Recovery from Stroke, Heart Surgery, Paralysis, and Lost Speech2021-04-29T11:19:59-04:00

Kanodia MD Team-Building Workshop*

*This is a private event. First, congratulations to Dr. Kanodia for his appearance on The Doctors! Team-building workshops don’t cost extra as it’s part of my commitment to a client. This education series helps staff understand how Feng Shui is incorporated into their work environment, how patients benefit, and how staff can utilize this new [...]

Kanodia MD Team-Building Workshop*2020-08-06T09:40:49-04:00

Dr. Kanodia Remodel

It is such a pleasure to work with people such as Dr. Kanodia. I've been helping with his new medical clinic and the results are astounding, and still unfolding. See before and after pictures below and stay tuned for the soon to be updated fully functioning kitchen. [...]

Dr. Kanodia Remodel2020-07-15T10:38:00-04:00

Remedy arthritis, fibromyalgia, and depression.

I recently had a client who was trying to heal from many debilitating problems. In short, could we remedy arthritis, fibromyalgia, and depression? This patient was referred to me by an OSU provider when I was Feng Shui Consultant and Clinical Instructor for The Ohio State University. She went to the OSU Center for Integrative [...]

Remedy arthritis, fibromyalgia, and depression.2021-04-29T11:35:09-04:00
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