Immune System

Stroke Caused Paralysis and Lost Speech, Open-heart Surgery

Why: The male homeowner suffered a stroke. He was paralyzed on the right-side of his body and needed a wheelchair for mobility. He had open-heart surgery. His ability to speak was gone. He could no longer work at his job, and their life was turned up-side down. What: Just as each building has its own [...]

Stroke Caused Paralysis and Lost Speech, Open-heart Surgery2023-06-24T08:54:31-04:00

Utilizing Sound to Heal

Does music affect your mood? It does mine! I’m much more productive when tunes are playing. Asian or classical music suits me when reading. Jazz or blues are great when playing in the kitchen (I make 90% of our meals). Rain inspires me to listen to Native American, flute, Celtic, or piano music. When working, [...]

Utilizing Sound to Heal2023-05-17T14:52:59-04:00

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, January

Be informed and empowered! Live joyfully and abundantly! Rescue YOU through Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Wellness, and Fun!! Sorry, we will miss you and this event is now closed We are excited to announce this Virtual Workshop Series with: Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master, Intuitive Concepts and Leesa Scott, Wellness Consultant, Fresh Life Connection Topics [...]

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, January2020-12-17T17:49:23-05:00

Looking for Something to Read?

Great Books to Improve Your Quality of Life Did you know you are doing your immune system a favor by slowing down? Remember reading? The news is way to negative and scary these days! Of course, we need to be informed, but there comes a time when it is time to turn off the [...]

Looking for Something to Read?2020-05-01T11:03:41-04:00
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