
Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work

A workshop on Feng Shui: presented for Central Ohio Better Business Bureau. Regardless of your work environment (office, cubicle, home, shared, or remote), there are tips that you can apply immediately. Enjoy! In this presentation, you will learn how to improve your relationships with: People Your work environment Energy productivity Creativity Flow in and [...]

Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work2022-08-30T12:37:49-04:00

Workshop: Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work

Workshop: Sponsored by the Better Business Bureau Creating Balance & Relieving Stress at Work June 16th | 1:30 - 2:30 PM Today’s work environment can change from day to day and is more demanding than ever – do more with less and have it done yesterday. For you, is this at an office building, [...]

Workshop: Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work2022-06-14T19:39:09-04:00

8 Ways to Spring Clean the Feng Shui Way

Spring is the perfect time to apply Feng Shui spring cleaning to give your home a fresh and positive energy boost. "Feng shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is an ancient Chinese traditional practice that claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term feng shui means, literally, "wind-water." Source: [...]

8 Ways to Spring Clean the Feng Shui Way2022-06-14T19:02:56-04:00

Your Personal Strategy Session 2022

Personal Strategy Sessions 2022 What is your energy for the upcoming year? What are your trends for wealth, career, relationships, and health? Your Personal Strategy Session is actually two-fold and explores your personal Feng Shui and Chinese astrology impacts for 2022. What is your energy for the upcoming 5 (earth) Feng Shui year? How does [...]

Your Personal Strategy Session 20222021-12-07T08:25:40-05:00

7 Powerful Gratitude Practices

First of all, I want to say how grateful I am for you! We love what we do here at Intuitive Concepts because of all of YOU!  Life would be much less interesting if we didn't have a lot of people in our lives. Sure, it could be more peaceful, but what is life without [...]

7 Powerful Gratitude Practices2021-11-23T13:04:25-05:00

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Workshop

Coming up soon, March 27th workshop. This workshop sells out every time! Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) This workshop is likely, UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back [...]

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Workshop2021-03-11T11:18:09-05:00

Myers-Briggs Personal Type Indicator Workshop

This workshop sells out every time! Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) This workshop is likely, UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back for more with their friends and [...]

Myers-Briggs Personal Type Indicator Workshop2023-07-14T09:10:37-04:00

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, February

RescYOU through Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Wellness, and Fun!! Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021, Noon – 1:30 Eastern. We are excited to provide this Virtual Workshop Series with: Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master, Intuitive Concepts and Leesa Scott, Wellness Consultant, Fresh Life Connection Topics we will cover each month: Feng Shui Energy Who is best [...]

RescYOU Remedy 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, February2021-02-02T13:35:21-05:00

A Journey of Self Discovery

Take a Journey of Self Discovery with the Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI) Back by Popular Demand! This workshop sells out every time! This workshop is likely, UNlike anything you've taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs! We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many [...]

A Journey of Self Discovery2021-02-24T10:34:49-05:00

8 Feng Shui Ways to Be a Grandparent

Feng Shui in Your Environment You may ask what being a grandparent has to do with Fend Shui. My answer is about Feng Shui in your environment, 'Feng Shui is our reaction to our environment.' A family is an important piece of that puzzle. Today more than ever with so much upheaval in our country. Children [...]

8 Feng Shui Ways to Be a Grandparent2021-04-29T11:13:20-04:00
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