This is a complex topic! Consider this an executive summary providing links for further investigation. This post will:

  1. Answer inquiries about the upcoming election.
  2. Delve into the energy of a presidential election in a wood dragon year. The last time we experienced a wood dragon year was 60 years ago – 1964 (also a presidential election year). The way wood dragon years cycle is there are 12 Chinese astrology animals and five elements (graph below) that happen every two years; 12 x 5 = 60. 1964 was a tumultuous year following President Kennedy’s assassination and being in the midst of the Vietnam war. Does history repeat itself?
  3. Summarize Chinese Astrology characteristics of the current U.S. presidential candidates.
  4. Share additional insights that affect all of us sharing this planet and today’s decisions affecting future generations.
  5. Empower you with your voting choices!

My intention is to give an objective view regarding the energies of this year and energies of the presidential candidates. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or otherwise, I hope this post provides additional clarity.


Chinese Astrology (BaZi*) for 2024 and the Candidates.

Characteristics of BaZi Year, Month and Day.

Characteristics of the Candidates’ Chinese Astrology Animals.

Who Naturally Supports or Competes?

Feng Shui Element Cycle.



Feng Shui Period 9.


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Chinese Astrology (BaZi*) for 2024 and the Candidates

In alphabetic order by last name:

*Ba Zi refers to the four pillars of destiny—four data sets (month, day, year, and time of birth). Each pillar provides characteristics and tendencies at the time of birth. Here’s a free calculator to explore this further.

Characteristics of BaZi Year, Month, and Day

Here’s a breakdown of each pillar:

  • Year: The year reveals information resulting from genes, health, aptitude, and family background. The year influences networking, events, social media, marketing, business alliances, affiliates, and social life.
  • Month: The month reveals information resulting from parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and school. The month influences work/life balance, ways to branch out, new business/products, job performance, and new services.
  • Day: The day reveals information that affects personality, ambition, appearance, interests, dreams, and desires. The day influences spouse/partner, health, home, diet and exercise, mindful actions, and building memories.
  • Hour*: The hour reveals information about one’s life – children, investments, thoughts, inner desires, and sex life.

For the purposes of this blog, since the focus is on leaders I’m concentrating on professionalism, working with others, and temperament; therefore, I’m only focusing on year, month, and day.

Characteristics of the Candidates’ Chinese Astrology Animals

Nature versus nurture is a long-standing debate in biology and society about the relative influence of human beings’ genetic inheritance (nature) and the environmental conditions of their development (nurture). Today’s science generally agrees that both nature and nurture affect individuals.

If raised in a nurturing environment and/or have a strong support system in one’s life, we’re more likely to exhibit the following positive traits. If raised in a dysfunctional environment and/or don’t have a strong support system in our life, we’re more likely to exhibit the following negative traits.

This analysis will hopefully help you understand the traits (past, current, or possible) of our potential leaders.

Who Naturally Supports or Competes?

On the following chart there are four groups of animals and three Chinese Astrology signs in each; shown in different colored triangles. Each group has dominant traits described in the squares. Chinese Astrology animals in each group naturally support each other (what I call buddy group). In other words, they easily work together and have similar traits and views.

Chinese Astrology animals in other groups have different views and ways of operating. In my opinion, it’s intriguing and educational to step outside our comfort zone.

Then look directly across from each animal (known as opposite). Those dichotomies are the most challenging, so they tend to compete with each other. Think of it like reaching across the aisle (Democratic to Republican). Individuals who are grounded (balanced) welcome this dynamic whereas insecure/unbalanced individuals experience frustration, confrontation, drained energy, and stress. I personally seek out my opposite for a reality check as they see, hear, and experience things that I might miss. Especially working in disaster recovery, I wanted opposites on the team.

The chart below lists positive traits. Negative traits are mentioned in the previous table.

Positive Traits

Feng Shui Element Cycle

As the first chart (“Chinese Astrology (BaZi*) for 2024 and the Candidates”) showed, 2024 is a wood year. When it comes to what determines a year’s element, it’s determined by the number assigned for that year which then determines its element (shown in this graph). Single-digit numbers are one through nine so the annual cycle declines. This system has been used in Feng Shui for thousands of years. 2023 was a 4 soft-wood year. 2024 is a 3 hard-wood year. 2025 is a 2 earth year, and so on. As a side note, this 3-hard wood year is about wind; thus, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, and drought. You can’t make this stuff up!

Looking at candidates’ years of birth – DT is fire. The wood year supports fire so he’s the most supported by this year’s energy. The others are all wood so are somewhat supported.

In general, DT as a fire person: Positive traits include charismatic, lively, enthusiastic, charged, competitive, vivacious, quick to react and move, and very passionate about what he likes and dislikes. Negative traits include excitable, combative, quick-tempered, easily bored, over-indulgent, exuberant in public and rallies, and depressed when alone.

The others as wood people. Again in general: Positive traits include clear thinking, open minded, capable of leadership, intelligent, able to thrive under pressure, patient, artistic, love learning, loyal, good organizers, and pragmatic. They can grow any organization/business, are open to change, the arts, and new ideas. Negative traits include demanding, fault finding, arrogant, judgmental, impatient, addicted to doing, or depressed.


Feng Shui goes through 20-year cycles. Chinese Astrology has 60-year cycles. To experience a period nine wood-dragon year, we’d travel back 180 years. To compound equations with Western astrology, in 2020, Jupiter conjoined Saturn in Aquarius. This hasn’t happened in 800 years. It’s known as the Great Mutation cycle (material goods and resistance to change). So, since 2020, there’s been momentum to disrupt the established order. Also, old earth programming is what we’re experiencing worldwide (authority struggles, surveillance, and war). Explains wars that have manifested and escalated quickly since 2020.

We just entered period nine (see article in reference section) this year, which is a fire cycle. 2024 is a 3 hard-wood year. Fire burns wood, so a year of change! Since fire burns wood, negative aspects include anger, carelessness, fear, hysteria, legal issues, mistakes, and verbal abuse. This has a particularly strong influence on sons (DT), the homeless, health benefits and insurance (abortion), families, human resources, travel, prosperity, and new beginnings. This 3:9 combination signifies success at first but then failure.

Then thinking of the candidates and the fire 20-year fire cycle, what’s their long-term projection?

  • DT is fire in a fire cycle. Fire on top of fire implies burning out of control, like adding gasoline to flames. Negative traits rule and if not in check will explode.
  • KH, JV, and TW are wood in a fire cycle. Fire burns wood so they’ll be met with challenges. It’s crucial for them to seek balance albeit collaboration, consensus, and self-care.

Election day on November 5 is during a wood dog month in a wood dragon year. Unrest and conflict will be intense. If DT doesn’t win, expect election results to be contested.

In the Chinese Astrology zodiac, the dragon/dog opposition is considered to be the most difficult. Therefore, the dog (DT) and the dragon (KH) naturally compete. All things considered, the wild dog (fire on fire AND dog challenged in a dragon year) attacks. However, the dragon seeks higher ground.

Again, if their ‘nature’ was or is a supportive environment (parents, siblings, partners, associates, etc.), they’ll find ways to turn differences into opportunities to learn from each other. If from or in a dysfunctional or non-supportive environment, negative traits rule.

There’s not much potential for collaboration between DT and JV based on their BaZi mix and that fire burns wood. There’s good compatibility between KH and TW.

Between the energies of the times we’re in and the delicate balance of Mother Earth, this election is the most important of our lifetime. I look at it this way – who will speak the truth even though the truth may be difficult? Ultimately, who will listen before reacting? Knowledge is power and we have more in common than we are different! Take time to reflect. Fact check and seek those who are grounded and ethical. Our lives truly depend on it.

As you can surmise, Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui are complicated fields of study in their own right. This blog isn’t meant to be a class, and if you want to know more, join the Facebook groupemail, or call me. If you want to know what your Feng Shui element is, here’s a free calculator.

Hope this has been helpful. If you’d like further discussion about my blogs and to join online meetings, please join my Facebook group, The Time for Women is Now. May you be exceedingly, generously, and joyfully blessed and vote, vote, vote! ~Diana


Feng Shui Period 9
Historical Information
Chinese Astrology of Election Years and Past Presidents
Dragon Year Elections
Ratings of Past Presidents by CBS News
How Historians Rate Past Presidents
Obtain Your Personal Analysis for 2025
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The Time for Women is Now
World Views
Asia Society’s Policy Perspective
Australian Outlook of U.S. in Dragon Year
Putin and Xi in the Dragon Year

May you be exceedingly, generously, and joyfully blessed today.

~Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master