You name it … female empowerment, choice about our bodies, women’s rights, leadership, equal pay – now is the time to act!

We entered period 9 on February 4, 2024, which lasts for 20 years and ends in February 2044. Period 9 represents the middle daughter and is impactful for women (especially influential on women in the middle of their lives). Entering period nine affects how we respond to change, our well-being, reward (prosperity), and relationships—basically, all aspects of life. Transformation is upon us, and we need to be and seek out thoughtful, moral, and skilled women.

Just as a frame of reference (you know how I love research and facts), the last female cycle was in period 7 (1984 to February 2004). Women leaders flourished, as did women born in period 7 (type in the year in the search field). Take a look at Time Magazine’s Women of the Year. Here are pioneers at the National Organization for Women. Find a women’s group that speaks to you. Seek out supportive women and like-minded groups.

Since period 9 is a fire element, it can provide warmth or blaze out of control. Global warming comes to mind (here’s a trusted source). Do your part, whether it’s as simple as recycling (select this link to learn more) or reducing your carbon footprint (select this link to learn more).

I mentioned equal pay. When I worked in the corporate world, I managed staff in multiple cities. Still, most of the men in my division made more than I did while I held most of the responsibility. During crises (I was in disaster recovery and business continuity), my immediate management was nowhere to be found, yet they showed up to hobnob and receive awards that I and my staff worked hard for. Does any of this resonate with you?

Well, now is the time. Get inspired and, more importantly – act! Whether you’ve thought about writing a book, starting a business, stepping into a leadership role, helping your community, or voting on election day – the time for women is NOW! Be the best version of you!

Here are some ways to empower yourself during period 9:

  • Take care of your mental well-being as 9 fire indicates emotions and self-esteem can be affected. Tempers will easily flare.
  • Pay attention to and be proactive with your heart, blood, eyes, and sinuses.
  • Since South is the power direction, this area of your home or office is influential. Spend time here (caveat – confirm the South has positive energy via a consult).
  • Nurture the South of your property (clean up and groom it).
  • If you’re a fire (Ming Gua 9), water (Ming Gua 1), or wood person (Ming Gua 3 or 4), face North with your back to the South. Don’t know? Go here to find out. Not fire, water, or wood? Schedule a 2025 personal strategy session.
  • Thinking of a business or career change? Electronics, communication, technology, and medicine are indicated. Fire supports Earth, so real estate and energy fields (for example, solar) are good. Because wood and water are supported, other fields are education, media, culture, finance, trade, and transportation.
  • If you have the fire element in any of your Chinese Astrology pillars (month, day, year, or time), you’re luckier than most. Don’t know? Follow this link.
  • Image and fame will be obsessions in period 9. Weigh risks versus rewards and choose quality over quantity. Keep in mind what goes on social media is a permanent record and accessible anywhere. Does it represent the image you want to follow you? Also, the fashion industry is a big polluter. Do you really need more stuff? My friend Ronda has a rule that I’ve learned from. For every new outfit, something is discarded in its place. This really has one think with purpose.
  • Relationships – period 9 can invoke high rates of separation and divorce as well as friendships ending. Maybe that’s appropriate; to let those go when they are not healthy or nurturing in a reciprocating way. Is the effort/love out far outweighing that received?
  • Support women in politics, military, economy, academia, and science.
  • Vote for people and issues that support women and our rights.
  • Conspiracy theories abound in period 9, so don’t take things at face value. Do your own research especially now with AI (artificial intelligence). Don’t be duped by misinformation. Seek the truth.
  • I created a Facebook group called The Time for Women is Now. This will include live events, so please join and share with others!
  • My best advice? Grace—be it, show it! If you find yourself in a quandary, give yourself permission to step away and breathe. Take time to reflect before reacting or making an important decision. I’m a big fan of making a list of pros and cons and then reflecting for a while before acting.

Let me know if this information is helpful.

May you be exceedingly, generously, and joyfully blessed today.

~Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master