Please take 30 seconds to help stop this dangerous federal bill that will pave the way for unrestricted cell tower construction across the United States.
If Federal bill HR 3557 passes it will eliminate all state and local control in tall cell tower AND small cell placements. While there has been regional success in stopping some tall cell towers, like the effort in Lockport, Illinois that blocked AT&T from erecting a tower on school grounds, this bill if it passes will eliminate USA citizen rights to argue effectually against tower placement nationwide.
From Children’s Health Defense:
“If H.R. 3557 passes, it will result in a truly unrestricted proliferation of cell towers and small cell installations near schools, playgrounds, and homes without any local or community input.”
Please take action now:
- Click the link below link, scroll down, fill out your info and hit send.
- Share this with anyone who lives in the US. This is a federal bill so everyone will be impacted.
- Post on social media. You can copy and paste this information.
Here are some resources for additional information:
- Here people can find out where cell towers exist Tower Maps – Home
- Impact on health by the American Cancer Society Do Cell Phone Towers Cause Cancer? | American Cancer Society
- Physicians for Safe Technology Physicians for Safe Technology | Cell Tower Radiation Health Effects (
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