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See Ken.
Geng, also called Keng
The seventh heavenly stem in the cycle of ten, denoting yang metal, based on the productive cycle of the five elements as they go through their yin and yang phases. It refers to the more active and aggressive aspects of the metal element and is used in Four Pillars astrology.
From the Latin geo (earth) and mancy (study or prophecy of lines).1) The art of creating balance and harmony between people and the energies of the earth. The study of the energies of the earth and earth-based divination techniques that have appeared in nearly all cultures. In modern times it is a study of geomantic, geopathic and environmental influences with the intention of mitigating those energies that appear to have an adverse effect on health and well-being. 2) †Manís influence on the earth.
Geopathic Stress
An abnormal energy field generated underground and radiated upward by mineral deposits, water streams, or geological faults.
An extremely potent representation of the earth element brings good education luck when placed in the northeast corner of a students room.
Symbolizes wealth.
Goat, also called Ram or Sheep
See Wei, Asian Zodiac.
Grand Duke Jupiter, also called Tai Sui
One of the Three Afflictions, it is an inauspicious energy needing to be remedied that moves to a different 15-degree section of the compass each year. It is dangerous to sit facing this direction or disturb or renovate in this direction sector when it is present.
Great Cycle of 180 years
Comprised of nine cycles of twenty years each. The current Great Cycle began in 1864. The current twenty-year cycle began in 2004. We are currently in cycle eight (2004-2023).
Green Dragon
There are nine dragons in total; each controls one aspect of the universal elements. The Green Dragon is said to be the Earth Dragon. The other dragons are wind, sea, water, sky, fire, golden, mountain, and celestial.
Gua, also called Kua
Translates as house or sector. In Compass School, refers to one of the eight quadrants connected to the eight compass directions. One of the eight outer positions in the luo shu square the bagua, and the luopan compass.
Gui, also called Kuei
The tenth heavenly stem in the cycle of ten, denoting yin water, based on the productive cycle of the five elements as they go through their yin and yang phases. It refers to the more inward and recessive aspects of the water element and is used in Four Pillars astrology.
Hai, also called Boar, Pig
The twelfth earthly branch in the cycle of twelve life energies, representative of strong and active energy. It is used in Chinese Astrology and Four Pillars.
Hartmann Lines
The Hartmann net consists of naturally occurring charged lines, running North-South and East-West named after Dr. Ernst Hartmann who first described it soon after the WWII. Alternate lines are usually positively and negatively charged, so where the lines intersect it is possible to have double positive charges and double negative charges, or one positive and one negative charge. It is the intersections that are seen to be a source of potential problems.
Note: This definition is related only to Feng Shui. One purpose of Feng Shui is to connect (spiritually and energetically) the person in their building with Heaven and earth. 1) Refers to the nature of the universal order, balance, and harmony of the cosmos. 2) In astrologically-linked Feng Shui, includes consideration of the positions of the stars and planets at a given time, and this positional influence on earthly and human affairs. 3) The primal and spiritual source of chi.
Heavenly Stems
Refers to the cycle of ten as the five elements go through the cyclical transformations of their yin and yang phases. The stems are one of the two primary components of Four Pillars astrology and represent the influence of heaven in the creation of material reality.
Heavenís Heart
The central Palace of the luo shu grid. Also refers to the center point of a structure.
A symbol from the I Ching made up of six solid or dashed lines formed from two trigrams. There are sixty-four hexagrams in the I Ching representing all known combinations of energies or correspondences. They are used to divine a probable course to future events and read for their philosophical and inspirational insights.
Ho Hai
Represents an area within a building that causes accidents and mishaps such as financial loss or other problems.
A chart that is drawn using the time, location and cosmology aspects of the birth of an individual or building, to be used for the purpose of divination or gaining an understanding of hidden information.
Horse, also called Wu
The seventh earthly branch in the cycle of twelve life energies, representative of expansive energy. It is used in Chinese astrology and Four Pillars. 2) The horse is represented by the direction South and symbolizes endurance, courage, and speed. It can bring excessive yang energy. Artwork or pictures of horses are best hung in the South side of the living room because of its association with the element of fire. A figurine of a horse placed in the Southwest of the living room will energize luck in social interaction and placed in the Northwest for luck in examinations.
A landscape of hills forming this shape with the house in the center looking out over flat open pasture is said to bring good luck and fortune to a family for five generations.
Hostile Structures
These can be a number of things such as buildings, overpasses, hills or land features, or any large structure that forms a hidden or poison arrow. They produce and direct sha toward your home.
Hsien Tien
Time and intuition-based divination, related to Plum Blossom I Ching.
Hsu, also called Xu or Dog
The eleventh earthly branch in the cycle of twelve life energies, it is representative of possessive, watchful and dominant energy. It is used in Chinese astrology and Four Pillars.
Hsun, also known as Xun
See Xun.
Hu Tien
Space, present time and intuition-based divination.
Huo Hai
Accidents and mishaps; the disaster location in Eight House Feng Shui.
Prosperous, vigorous.
I Ching
One of the great Chinese philosophical texts, also known as the Book of Changes, describing all movements and developments of every event or phenomenon in the universe. It consists of sixty-four hexagram
s based on combinations of the eight trigrams. The I Ching has been used for divination and for philosophical guidance for thousands of years and is an important component in the formation of Feng Shui theory.
I Ching Coins
Chinese coins symbolize prosperity and their meaning originate from ancient times when coins were used as amulets as protection against disease, evil or negative energy directed at the wearer. Also used in Feng Sui and as an ancient Chinese oracle or fortune telling. Place some I Ching coins in a bowl of salty water for a great metal cure in the west and northwest sector of the premises.
I Ching Feng Shui
A Compass School method utilizing the hexagrams of the I Ching on the luopan.
A result or sign of bad Feng Shui. Think practically and check for blocked drains or stagnant water (polluted Chi). Look for signs of poison arrows around or directed at the home.
A term frequently used in Feng Shui to denote unfavorable, undesirable, harmful influences and unsuccessful results.
Incorporated. See corporation.
Incense is used for clearing and uplifting. Also used as a thanks giving gift to a deity when placed on its altar.
Inhale Exhale method
A method used to balance and harmonize personal chi.
Integrative Feng Shui
Integrative Feng Shui is a combination of different methods of Feng Shui, as determined by a particular school.
Intercardinal points
The four compass directions that reside between the cardinal points: Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest.
Intuitive Feng Shui
To feel or know (from an inner voice) what is needed in a space for placement and remedies. This utilizes shamanism and also evaluates people and their lifestyle. Practitioners may or may not have formal training. Please note the term Intuitive Feng Shui is trademarked by William Spear and should not be confused with an intuitive approach to Feng Shui.
Ji, also called Chi
The sixth heavenly stem in the cycle of ten, denoting yin earth, based on the productive cycle of the five elements as they go through their yin and yang phases. It refers to the more inward and recessive aspects of the earth element and is used in Four Pillars astrology.
Jia, also called Chia
The first heavenly stem in the cycle of ten, denoting yang wood, based on the productive cycle of the five elements as they go through their yin and yang phases. It refers to the more active and aggressive aspects of the wood element and is used in Four Pillars astrology.
Yin essence. According to the Scholar Warrior Dictionary, Jing (yin) is combined with chi (yang) to produce food and the body’s fluid to make blood (refer to San Bao).
Joss Paper
Used for Feng Shui remedies. Ornate tissue-thin rice paper that is rough feels handmade, often contains imperfections and inconsistencies, and may contain metallic leaf. Some Joss papers are blessed in Buddhist temples and are used in Asia in rituals, holiday observances and in Feng Shui.
Jue ming, also called Chueh ming
The severed fate or total loss location. The most inauspicious, worst location in Eight House Feng Shui.
Kan, also called K’an
One of the eight trigrams, guas or quadrants of the bagua, associated with the North, the symbol of the tortoise, the element water, the colors blue to black, the middle son, ears, blood (and other influences), winter, new moon, night, asymmetrical shapes, or waves. In BTB, this section of the bagua symbolizes career.
Kan Yu
The study of a site with reference to time.
Ken, also called Gen
One of the eight trigrams, guas or quadrants of the bagua, associated with the Northeast, the symbol Mountain, the element earth, the number 8, the colors brown to yellow or blue to green, the youngest son, travel, knowledge, and self-actualization, and other life aspects. In the I Ching, Ken is denoted by one solid line over two broken lines.
See Geng.
The Japanese word for chi, or qi.
Color, space, form, emptiness.
See Gua.
See Gui.
Kun, also called K’un
One of the eight trigrams, guas or quadrants of the bagua. Symbolizes strong earth. Southwest, head female, abdomen (and other influences), late summer, afternoon, and square or flat on the flying star bagua. In BTB, this section of the bagua symbolizes partnership and love.
Later Heaven Bagua, also called Later Heaven Sequence, Wen Wang Bagua
A circular or octagonal arrangement of the eight trigram directions, this is the bagua sequence used in the Feng Shui luopan compass. Kan is placed in the South, Li in the North, Chen in the East and Tui in the West. Unlike the Earlier Heaven, static bagua, this is a dynamic bagua where energies and aspects of each trigram cycle into the next.
Ley Lines
Alignment and patterns of powerful, invisible earth-energy believed to connect various sacred sites such as churches, temples, stone circles, megaliths, holy wells, burial sites, and other locations of spiritual importance.
One of the eight trigrams. Symbolizes fire, South, the phoenix, summer, second daughter, eyes, heart (and other influences), full moon, midday, and triangles on the flying-star bagua. In BTB, this section of the bagua symbolizes fame.
Li Chun
The day the annual star changes. The beginning of the Chinese Solar New Year, which usually begins February 4th or 5th each year.
Limited Liability Company
A hybrid between a corporation and a partnership. It provides easy ìpass – throughî taxation (profits and losses are added to the owner(s) personal tax returns) like a sole proprietorship, with the liability protection of a corporation. Like a corporation, it is a separate legal entity; unlike a corporation, there is no stock and the duration is usually not perpetual, though it can be. The owners of an LLC are called ìmembersî, not ìshareholdersî. So in essence, itís like a corporation, with less complicated taxation and stock formalities.
See Limited – liability company.
Locked Building
A type of structure determined with flying stars. These can become locked when they donít have the elemental remedy to prevent it. Many Chinese refer to a locked building as an imprisoned building–it restricts movement. People or prosperity influences can become locked, or in rare cases, both can lock at the same time. When a structure has prosperity locked the flow of money to the occupants is restricted. This usually precedes a buyout or merger. Occupants of a building that is locked on people will experience continuing health and relationship problems. A business in a building with a people lock will have difficulty keeping employees and attracting new customers.
Long Mei
Dragon veins or ley lines–the paths which chi follows through the earth.
Lo Pan, Lopan, or Loupan
Currently, Western versions of this compass exist that have been color coded and translated to simplify its usage. The Lopan remains one of the most effective tools for diagnosing and diagramming the energies within a space and linking them to the eight trigrams, five elements, yin/yang and 12 energy cycles.
Lo Shu Grid
A three by three pattern (three columns with three rows) simulating the back of a giant tortoise shell.
Licensed Practical Nurse.
Good or bad fortune, composed in Feng Shui of heaven luck, earth luck, and human luck.
Lui Sha
The area in a building that brings missed business opportunities, poor health or legal problems. Itís a good place for a storage room.
One of three immortal deities that represent achievement and wealth.
Lunar New Year
Based on the cycles of the moon, is when the Chinese New Year is celebrated. This can be during January or February.
Lunar Year
354 Days, based on twelve cycles of the moon. The lunar month is the time interval between full moons, approximately twenty-nine and a half days.
Luo Jing – (Mandarin)
The instrument used to measure directions (compass, Luo Pan, or Lo Pan).
Luo Shu, also called lu shu, lo shu, luo shu grid, magic square
1) A magic square containing the nine stars. 2) The foundation of all Feng Shui numerology. It is a three by three grid with a sequence of numbers said, in myth, to have been discovered on a giant tortoise shell. It is also called the magic square because any three sectors add up to fifteen along any diagonal, vertical, or horizontal line.
Luopan, also called Lopan
The divination compass used for Feng Shui which utilizes the Later Heaven or Wen Wang bagua sequence, with the chi moving out from the center. From its humble beginnings as a magnetic needle floating in a bowl of water, the luopan evolved into a complex system of rings able to reveal advanced Feng Shui information. In its modern form, it has been translated and color-coded to simplify its use as a Feng Shui tool. The luopan is part of the rich cultural heritage of Feng Shui.
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