
Utilizing Sound to Heal

Does music affect your mood? It does mine! I’m much more productive when tunes are playing. Asian or classical music suits me when reading. Jazz or blues are great when playing in the kitchen (I make 90% of our meals). Rain inspires me to listen to Native American, flute, Celtic, or piano music. When working, [...]

Utilizing Sound to Heal2023-05-17T14:52:59-04:00

Video: 2019 Energy Feng Shui 8 Earth & Chinese Astrology Earth Pig

This hour video is about the energy of 2019 both from a Feng Shui perspective as well as Chinese Astrology. It reveals areas that support us and areas that don't. Obtain tips to make the best of 2019! Feel free to comment below with your thoughts and/or questions.

Video: 2019 Energy Feng Shui 8 Earth & Chinese Astrology Earth Pig2019-03-05T12:28:31-05:00

Preventing Mold In Your Home Or Building

This article by Peter Sierck offers tips on preventing mold. I mentioned mold being a problem in 2015 in this video so if you have it in your home or office, be proactive.  Need help with mold? Contact our friends at Hina Environmental Solutions. They do residential and commercial mold remediation. May you be exceedingly, [...]

Preventing Mold In Your Home Or Building2020-09-17T12:44:22-04:00

Experience Feng Shui on Good Day Columbus

Back on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, we did three segments for Feng Shui tips on TV’s Fox 28 Good Day Columbus: Segment 1: Love, Loyalty, and Ladies Segment 2: Energize, Envision, and Enjoy Segment 3: Balance, Beauty, and Bedrooms Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master, of Intuitive Concepts provided insights and tips that you can use in [...]

Experience Feng Shui on Good Day Columbus2019-03-05T12:32:46-05:00
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