

You provided a lot of good information

Hi Diana, I truly enjoyed my personal strategy session and have continued to refer to my notes. You provided a lot of great information. I so look forward to the time I have my own digs and can have you Feng Shui my place. Again, I really appreciate your help and will continue to make the [...]

You provided a lot of good information2018-12-12T00:34:52-05:00

Dan Evans

We experienced tremendous results since Diana Garber did a Feng Shui analysis of our Ohio ranch. Our original goals were improvements for 1) Dan’s seizure disorder; 2) love and family – our upcoming marriage (have a great and joyful love) and improve blended-family relationships; and 3) and the business reaching a cash-flow goal. All were [...]

Dan Evans2018-04-09T09:13:16-04:00
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