
Case Study – Feng Shui for Business

In 2016, I led a Feng Shui for Business workshop as a way to show how Feng Shui principles and practices can affect the success of a business. Also, I wanted to demonstrate how Feng Shui can help to energize and empower a location, the commercial building, and staff members in the building. In addition, [...]

Case Study – Feng Shui for Business2018-01-24T09:56:15-05:00

Why Choose a Date Analysis

Choosing a good day to perform an activity is a wise move. It allows you to do it right the first time; in other words, energies are optimal. Starting an activity or project on a bad-energy day sets the tone for how you (or others) will experience it. As an example, I worked with The [...]

Why Choose a Date Analysis2018-04-09T09:07:25-04:00
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