Workshop: Sponsored by the Better Business Bureau
Creating Balance & Relieving Stress at Work
June 16th | 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Today’s work environment can change from day to day and is more demanding than ever – do more with less and have it done yesterday.
For you, is this at an office building, shared-working space, or remote from home?
Does this sound familiar?

Maybe your work cubical offers no privacy, or someone’s lack of planning becomes your emergency.
Do you struggle to get motivated to start the day? Maybe you lack energy, this morning’s news derailed you, the office doesn’t feel right, or you don’t feel productive… including the times you are bored because you’ve completed everything and are tempted to change the scenery.
If you work in your home, you may find maintenance, family members or chores need your attention; or possibly TV shows or favorite internet sites are a welcome distraction from the work that needs to be done.
If those aren’t challenges, then the perceptions of others may be –many employers might believe employees are easily distracted.
It’s frustrating isn’t it? What can you do to change things?
Empower your workspace energy and energize yourself.
Sounds simple — it is if you know the right steps to take.
Better Business Bureau serving Central Ohio presents a free webinar for Accredited Businesses:
Creating Balance and Relieving Stress at Work
Diana Garber offers immediate solutions and tips and candid personal insights from years of corporate management experience and Feng Shui space design. YOU get the best of both worlds!
What will you gain by attending this workshop?
Learn how to create a space that maximizes your creativity, promotes your gifts, attracts supportive people, encourages organization and focus, and generates abundance.
Class size is limited – don’t delay — sign up TODAY!

You’ll learn how to create a space that maximizes your creativity, promotes your gifts, attracts supportive people, encourages organization and focus, and generates abundance. This workshop offers you a myriad of benefits!
May you be exceedingly, generously, and joyfully blessed,©
~Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master
Diana Garber is considered a premier Feng Shui Master and was V.P., Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Manager for a Fortune 100 company. She has achieved much success in the Feng Shui world utilizing quantum physics and quantum living approaches. Diana’s company, Intuitive Concepts, has been A+ rated for many years. She has many firsts to her name: Clinical Instructor and Feng Shui practitioner for The Ohio State University; 1st U.S. integrative health center; only Feng Shui Master to be speak at a medical convention; 1st Certified Feng Shui practitioner for Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine; 1st U.S. Feng Shui-designed office building; 1st to receive medical referrals; and more. Diana is an author and has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, and NPR.
For questions, please contact Jessica Hamlin at |
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