I really appreciate you taking me on for my walkabout. Especially after working with you, I realize you went way out of your way to accommodate me. You put off travel, and always asked how I felt about the experience. In addition, you were concerned about me learning what I wanted to. This is far more than what the other mentors have done. This experience has been one of the single most perception-altering experiences I have ever had. I learned about myself, and my preferences. I also was able to learn about feng shui from an expert. I view things differently now. Whether I am looking at numerology, identifying elements in a person’s home, or simply evaluating a structure, my perception is permanently changed. I also learned about business, and being a woman business owner … the trials, tribulations, and most importantly the grace to deal with it. I can’t thank you enough. You helped me out with Spring break, talked with me about my family, as well as helping me find a second placement. I can talk to you about anything which is difficult for me to even do with my peers. This experience has been amazing, thanks to you. Again, I really appreciate everything you have done.
July 30, 2021