
Business Owner’s Expectations Exceeded

February 27, 2018

I participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I then decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.  

My business is all about people, so as a leader I need to equip and empower my organization with tools and skills that enable its and their success. Sometimes as business owners we need to realize we can’t do it all on our own.  

I had specific objectives in bringing Diana out, and we exceeded them. Beyond the customized workshop and due to Diana’s corporate background and wisdom, she was flexible with my requests which resulted in a strategic-planning coaching session that included organizational structure, company goals, recruiting, and training. I have more insight as to where people’s strengths are as well as how to help them stretch; as well as how to grow my company. 

I participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I then decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.   My business is all about people, so [...]

Business Owner’s Expectations Exceeded2018-02-27T23:42:57-05:00

Very Powerful – I’m More Authentic in How I Show Up

February 27, 2018

As a participant in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop in Phoenix last Sunday, I would like to offer the following comments. I’m a communications major, and this experience provided tangible insights and skills. I’ve taken several personality inventories, and even a version of Myers-Briggs is available online; however, none are at the depth this event was. Had I taken an online score at face value, I’d be an ENFJ (Extroverted Intuitive Feeler Judger). Instead, during the workshop we discussed several scenarios as well as role played. This resulted in a revelation that I’m actually an ENTJ (Extroverted Intuitive Thinker Judger). This shed light on how I approach relationships, conflict, financial matters, even intimacy; and explained a lot!

I’ve been searching for my identity and the workshop provided clarity – VERY powerful. Not only am I now better able to identify self, I’m better able to communicate self. My partner, Michael (who also attended), and I talked through the night as this helped us to simplify our differences and find more strength in our similarities. Even days later, we’re still using the tools to discuss dynamics of family, coworkers, and customers so that we can be more authentic in how we show up. This was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see Diana again.

As a participant in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop in Phoenix last Sunday, I would like to offer the following comments. I’m a communications major, and this experience provided tangible insights and skills. I’ve taken several personality inventories, and even a version of Myers-Briggs is available online; however, none are at the depth this event was. Had [...]

Very Powerful – I’m More Authentic in How I Show Up2018-02-27T23:40:43-05:00

Personalized Myers-Briggs Workshops

August 13, 2017

” I  participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.
My business is all about people, so as a leader I need to equip and empower my organization with tools and skills that enable its and their success. Sometimes as business owners we need to realize we can’t do it all on our own.
I had specific objectives in bringing Diana out, and we exceeded them. Beyond the customized workshop and due to Diana’s corporate background and wisdom, she was flexible with my requests which resulted in a strategic-planning coaching session that included organizational structure, company goals, recruiting, and training. I have more insight as to where people’s strengths are as well as how to help them stretch; as well as how to grow my company.”

" I  participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.   My business is all about people, so as [...]

Personalized Myers-Briggs Workshops2017-08-13T15:10:12-04:00

Very Powerful — I’m More Authentic In How I Show Up

August 13, 2017

“As a participant in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop in Phoenix last Sunday, I would like to offer the following comments. I’m a communications major, and this experience provided tangible insights and skills. I’ve taken several personality inventories, and even a version of Myers-Briggs is available online; however, none are at the depth this event was. Had I taken an online score at face value, I’d be an ENFJ (Extroverted Intuitive Feeler Judger). Instead, during the workshop we discussed several scenarios as well as role played. This resulted in a revelation that I’m actually an ENTJ (Extroverted Intuitive Thinker Judger). This shed light on how I approach relationships, conflict, financial matters, even intimacy; and explained a lot!  
I’ve been searching for my identity and the workshop provided clarity – VERY powerful. Not only am I now better able to identify self, I’m better able to communicate self. My partner, Michael (who also attended), and I talked through the night as this helped us to simplify our differences and find more strength in our similarities. Even days later, we’re still using the tools to discuss dynamics of family, coworkers, and customers so that we can be more authentic in how we show up. This was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see Diana again.”

"As a participant in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop in Phoenix last Sunday, I would like to offer the following comments. I’m a communications major, and this experience provided tangible insights and skills. I've taken several personality inventories, and even a version of Myers-Briggs is available online; however, none are at the depth this event was. Had I taken [...]

Very Powerful — I’m More Authentic In How I Show Up2017-08-13T15:08:42-04:00
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