Speaker, Presenter, Writer
Very Powerful — I’m More Authentic In How I Show Up
As a participant in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop in Phoenix last Sunday, I would like to offer the following comments. I’m a communications major, and this experience provided tangible insights and skills. I’ve taken several personality inventories, and even a version of Myers-Briggs is available online; however, none are at the depth this event was. Had I taken an online score at face value, I’d be an ENFJ (Extroverted Intuitive Feeler Judger). Instead, during the workshop we discussed several scenarios as well as role played. This resulted in a revelation that I’m actually an ENTJ (Extroverted Intuitive Thinker Judger). This shed light on how I approach relationships, conflict, financial matters, even intimacy; and explained a lot!
I’ve been searching for my identity and the workshop provided clarity – VERY powerful. Not only am I now better able to identify self, I’m better able to communicate self. My partner, Michael (who also attended), and I talked through the night as this helped us to simplify our differences and find more strength in our similarities. Even days later, we’re still using the tools to discuss dynamics of family, coworkers, and customers so that we can be more authentic in how we show up. This was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see Diana again.
-Natalie Sciume
Personalized Myers-Briggs Workshop
I participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.
My business is all about people, so as a leader I need to equip and empower my organization with tools and skills that enable its and their success. Sometimes as business owners we need to realize we can’t do it all on our own.
I had specific objectives in bringing Diana out, and we exceeded them. Beyond the customized workshop and due to Diana’s corporate background and wisdom, she was flexible with my requests which resulted in a strategic-planning coaching session that included organizational structure, company goals, recruiting, and training. I have more insight as to where people’s strengths are as well as how to help them stretch; as well as how to grow my company.
-Erica Wendt, Wendt Family Insurance (National Insurance Provider)
Thank you so much for taking your time to facilitate the NARI of Central Ohio Breakfast Roundtable on July 18th. It was very interesting and your information was well supported by your guests from Signature Renovations. It was the first roundtable we’ve had in my 1.5 years here where people stayed (to continue to explore the topic) until 10 a.m. since the program officially ended at 8:30. I personally like the stories that you added into your presentation. Thanks again for the introduction into a fascinating subject
-Lynda Davidson, National Assn. of the Remodeling Industry
Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into teaching classeshere at the Community Library. I know the students learn a lot and have an enjoyable time in the process. You help to enrich our community and make it a better place in which to live.
-Mary, Adult Services Director
Thank you for the workshop. It was inspiring to know you’ve had similar things happen to you and your life turned around. That you’re famous and all is cool that you do a class even though none of us can afford anything like this but you’ll be the first one I call when things turn around.
What you said hit every one of us, even the person who knew nothing about Feng Shui (or that she believes in it) said it. It was so fun. Every one of us got something from it. The advise you gave me specifically was exactly what I needed to hear. That must have been the reason I was there. It meant a lot and you’re such a nice person. Wish I could be around you more. Thanks for your time. It’s good to know there are still good people out there. Thanks!
-Just Me
The Columbus Dispatch and the Event Marketing Group would like to thank you for being a part of our 2007 Best of Fall Home Show, presented by Teeters Construction. Your involvement helped make the event the great success it was, and we greatly appreciate your help. We know that your professional expertise and enthusiasm enriched our guests’ show experience. The many comments we heard during the show and immediately after indicate that the stellar stage talent line-up and strolling performers were a highlight of this year’s event.
Thank you, too, for making the planning and operation of the stage and strolling performances so easy for me personally. I enjoyed working with you so much, I didn’t even feel like I was working. I hope that you can say the same, and that the show was a positive experience for you, too. We are already planning a bigger, better show for Fall 2008, and I hope we’ll be able to work together again soon.
Again, thank you so much for all you did to make the 2007 BEST of Fall Home Show the best yet
-Lisa Reuter, Of the Dispatch/Events Team
We’ve received great feedback from our “teleseminars”… “So convenient (and comfortable) to participate.” “Easy-going flow of information. Presenters’ knowledge came through in a comfortable conversational way.” “…the convenience of staying at home”
“I am happy to have the a to z topics at this time since this is a new area of study for me.”
“On the topic of animals you spoke of EMF, electro-magnetic frequency. I have children who have been stating they aren’t sleeping well, or sleep but wake up feeling exhausted. I mentioned to them after the conference about turning off their computers or unplugging their unnecessary electronics to see if they felt better upon waking or just slept better. This morning I asked how they felt and was told ‘I feel great, and slept without waking!’ We may be onto something!! Thank You Diana!!!”
These seminars cover a variety of different topics. It isn’t necessary to attend one in order to attend another—they are independent classes. Join us for topics that interest you. Invite friends to call in too and start your own feng shui network.Check the Events page to see if we have an upcoming teleseminar.
I love reading all the input at the Feng Shui AOL group (NOTE: our group is now on Yahoo) that you host. I also love reading all the information & tips at I find myself looking up a lot of stuff on Chinese culture, architecture & traditions, etc. It’s all very interesting & quite fascinating. I really like your approach to classic Feng Shui, it’s very realistic & not about having to spend a lot of money to make changes.
It’s obtainable for everyone, not just rich people (not like a lot of other things). There are so many gimmicks out there today & even genuine things that do some good, but people take advantage & make it out of reach for the average person. Your classic Feng Shui is honest & there for everyone who is interested. I really like that!
-Cathy from Australia
I would like a consult from you. You wrote articles about 2009’s energy that are unfolding before our eyes. The economic crisis is hitting everyone. This being a fire year, the bush fires have taken over everybody’s thoughts. I know 5 families that have been under threat from these fires to differing degrees. Two were okay as the fires didn’t get too close but three of them were under imminent threat & each family was in a different area.
That’s how wide spread these fires have been, right across the state. I had one friend in Whittlesea which was one of the worst hit areas & the fires literally stopped at the gates to his property. Thank god as he wasn’t able to get back to move his last 4 horses. Another friend’s daughter lives in Mansfield with several horses so we were all on horse float convoy alert in case they needed to get out in a hurry, but thankfully they got it under control before it hit the town.
Another friend of mine has a brother in one of the other danger areas of Healsville & they had the fire coming in on 3 different directions on their property then joined into one big one. Thankfully he had taken precautions before he built & was pretty well prepared to fight it & they managed to save their home & the two cabins on it although one is a little singed on the outside. They got their horses out early so they would be safe.
This fire is still a major threat though as are some of the others. It’s been amazing to see the whole country band together to help though. So far they have raised over $81 million dollars AUS. We have even donating things like old towels & sheets for the animals & wild life as they were also caught in all this. There’s almost 200 people confirmed dead & they expect this to rise considerably, over 2000 homes have been destroyed.
The worst part of all is that at least one of these fires has been confirmed deliberately lit & 2 more people have been caught lighting fires this week too. Saturday was a hellish day of 48c (119f) & these people went out & lit fires. So, what will it take and when can we do this???????
-Cathy Konidaris, Australia
I love your free article on kua numbers and sleeping directions, etc. My husband and I are the same Kua number (1) and since we changed our sleeping position for our heads to be North, he now falls asleep easily. It’s great! He used to take hours to fall asleep and would have to read to distract his busy mind. Now he’s asleep as soon as his head goes down and the lights are out. Thank you for your help with this.
I’ve decided I’m going to apply this to my children to see if it helps them. My boys seem to take a while to fall asleep and always need company until they do fall asleep because it helps them feel secure. I appreciate your help. I have not found a website so effective in explaining and using Feng Shui. Thanks again for making it available to all of us.
Lara Gough, Australia
Speaker, Presenter, Writer SPEAKER Very Powerful -- I'm More Authentic In How I Show Up As a participant in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop in Phoenix last Sunday, I would like to offer the following comments. I’m a communications major, and this experience provided tangible insights and skills. I've taken several personality inventories, and even a version of Myers-Briggs [...]