
Feng Shui and Prosperity Numbers

Have you heard the cliché money attracts money? Are there disciplines the wealthy use so their money makes more money? Sure there are. Whether it’s utilizing financial planners, maintaining a balance between income and debt, or saving little on a recurring basis…there is credence in the abundance conversation. What’s an abundance conversation? […]

Feng Shui and Prosperity Numbers2022-12-22T08:01:47-05:00

Quality vs. Quantity

In these challenging economic times, businesses and homeowners are looking for lean and mean solutions. As an example, the demand for quality versus quantity is why we’re more judicious about driving. Where once we would hop in the car and explore along the way, today’s gas prices incent us to be more focused … making [...]

Quality vs. Quantity2018-04-09T09:04:23-04:00
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