Myers-Briggs Personal Type Indicator Workshop

This workshop sells out every time!

Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator (MBTI)

This workshop is likely, UNlike anything you’ve taken before, even if you have taken Myers-Briggs!

We do a lot of discovery work around who you are, role play, and discuss fun facts. Many of those who attend are back for more with their friends and family, and always learning something new. People have discovered new career options and reinvented relationships. Literally, one couple said it saved their marriage!

The Myers-Briggs® (MBTI) workshop is a session that reveals how and where you focus your attention. Each of us has many personality traits or characteristics which define us, many of which control our attitude and our actions on a subconscious level. Once we are aware of the subconscious (yet influential) patterns, we can use them to benefit us rather than to be at the unknowing mercy of these patterns.

This 4-hour workshop will show you how you have been viewing the world, the way you absorb information, the manner in which you make decisions, and finally .. the method you use to deal with the outside world. You will be able to see how you have been handling yourself, how you are interacting with others, and how you are conducting yourself within your environment.

Most importantly you will see the reasons behind your thoughts and actions.

  • Do you talk a lot, or are you a person that doesn’t say much?
  • Are you a sensitive person who is thoughtful, understanding, perceptive, and charismatic; or are you someone who people deem insensitive because you are precise, exact, and fact-based?
  • Are you the type of person who lives by lists and the calendar; or do you wish you were more organized?

These questions and many more will be answered at the workshop. Plus you’ll receive helpful charts and have the opportunity to role-play with other participants. MBTI® is used by universities, corporations, and therapists for team building and relationship counseling. Understand your life preferences and you’ll identify sources of your stress!

This workshop is so informative and fun, we have people that repeat the class each time we offer it. Join us for an intimate and interactive experience!

IDEAL© Deliverables:

· Identify where you focus your attention
· Discover how to transform challenging relationships
· Evaluate new approaches to difficult situations
· Assess your decision-making and planning processes
· Learn how to manifest a different future

It’s all about you!

Capitalize on your creativity, your public image, and your social interactions.

Important Notice: When you register for a workshop (ages 14 & over) you will complete the inventory prior to the workshop date so it can be included in visual aids, handouts, and group exercises. The workshop is customized for YOU!

Course Level: Beginner

Prerequisites: Complete the MBTI® self-scorable inventory via the link you’ll receive by email after registering.

Recommended tools: You may want to take notes

Credit hours: 4.0 A certificate of attendance will be presented at the end of the workshop. Completion of a survey is required to receive it.

Workshop Fee:

  • $134 for new participants. Pay below using PayPal or your credit card, or call my office at
    740-965-9458 for other arrangements.
  • COhatch members receive a 10% discount.
  • If you’ve attended my Myers-Briggs® workshop before, there is no charge to refresh! I’ll use your same MBTI® type but I do need to know you are coming. If you’d like to take the inventory again, you may do so for half price.
  • Refunds are not applicable after the link is sent since the inventory was purchased for you.
Location: The Lookout Room at COhatch, 1733 W. Lane Avenue, Columbus, OH 43221. (We will be following all Ohio COVID19 CDC Guidelines.)

I’m thrilled COhatch is hosting this event. Their locations are amazing, convenient, and there’s ample parking.

After attending a meeting at their Delaware location, I decided to join!

What others have had to say about their experience:

“I participated in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop via webinar and found it personally informative and helpful. Since I run an insurance business and truly want to make a difference in the world, I then decided to bring Diana to Phoenix to work with my sales force and staff.

My business is all about people, so as a leader I need to equip and empower my organization with tools and skills that enable its and their success. Sometimes as business owners, we need to realize we can’t do it all on our own.

I had specific objectives in bringing Diana out, and we exceeded them. Beyond the customized workshop and due to Diana’s corporate background and wisdom, she was flexible with my requests which resulted in a strategic-planning coaching session that included organizational structure, company goals, recruiting, and training. I have more insight as to where people’s strengths are as well as how to help them stretch; as well as how to grow my company.”

Erica Wendt Endicott, AZ


“As a participant in Diana’s Myers-Briggs workshop in Phoenix last Sunday, I would like to offer the following comments. I’m a communications major, and this experience provided tangible insights and skills. I’ve taken several personality inventories, and even a version of Myers-Briggs is available online; however, none are at the depth this event was. Had I taken an online score at face value, I’d be an ENFJ (Extroverted Intuitive Feeler Judger). Instead, during the workshop, we discussed several scenarios as well as role-played. This resulted in a revelation that I’m actually an ENTJ (Extroverted Intuitive Thinker Judger). This shed light on how I approach relationships, conflict, financial matters, and even intimacy; and explained a lot!

I’ve been searching for my identity and the workshop provided clarity – VERY powerful. Not only am I now better able to identify self, and I’m also better able to communicate self. My partner, Michael (who also attended), and I talked through the night as this helped us to simplify our differences and find more strength in our similarities. Even days later, we’re still using the tools to discuss the dynamics of family, coworkers, and customers so that we can be more authentic in how we show up. This was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see Diana again.”

Natalie Sciume, AZ

I look forward to seeing you soon!

May you be exceedingly, generously, and joyfully blessed today.

~Diana Garber, Feng Shui Master


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