I originally contacted Diana Garber of Intuitive Concepts early in 2004. We were moving into a new home and I wanted a better life for us. Our debt was high, our career (as contractors) was not satisfying, and our children had health issues. The fee was more than my husband was comfortable with so we searched for other Feng Shui consultants. On hind sight, we could have saved time, frustration, and even money!
We hired a consultant specializing in Vaastu (Feng Shui of India) and implemented the remedies he suggested. This didn’t seem to do much. Then we hired another consultant who, because of her real estate experience, we felt comfortable with. We implemented her recommendations which included plants in our wealth area, red in our fame area, etc. However, her suggestions could ultimately result in $20,000 for decorating and new furniture. We met her interior decorator but something told us to hold off.
I called Diana back 1-1/2 years later and was surprised she remembered me. She asked how things were going for us but (at that time) I did not tell her about the other practitioners. Anyway, what I want to say is we could have done it right the first time. Our goals were still finances, career, improved relationships, and family health.”