Diana Garber of Intuitive Concepts analyzed my company’s new location last summer when we were moving in. The energy showed theft, auto accidents, and death. Business was already suffering and staff issues were also a problem. The move and business concerns overshadowed Feng Shui, so I didn’t get around to implementing remedies. Everything Diana said came true, even down to identifying which staff members would cause problems. An employee embezzled $50,000 and wrecked the company truck. When I filed legal charges, he took his life.
One of the things I did implement (as she instructed) was changing our bidding process. As a result, bids were accepted more readily which led to more business. We’re so busy now I’m hiring more people. Anyway, after things started to settle, I called Diana and asked that we revisit the Feng Shui analysis. She came over and we reviewed everything.
I feel more supported and have a renewed excitement. So, if I may share a couple lessons from this: 1) Have a Feng Shui analysis done before committing to a site. Do what is necessary before, or (at a minimum) during the move-in process. If, like in my case, you’ve already signed the lease, then the next point is crucial. 2) Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today — especially when it comes to Feng Shui. As was in my case, I was so entrenched in trying to deal with circumstances, I felt I couldn’t do any more. It’s a catch 22 – either there’s so much going on that you feel you can’t do more, or the money doesn’t support getting an analysis; but changing the energy will make a difference.
Chicken or the egg dilemma? Take it from me, Feng Shui should be at the top of your to-do list. It sets the tone for everything else. It is a strategy/master-planning tool! Don’t put it off. Feng Shui makes life easier and business more successful.