Strategy Sessions

Personal Strategy Session

Personal Strategy Session 2020 Your Personal Strategy Session is actually two-fold and explores your personal Feng Shui and Chinese astrology impacts for 2020. What is your energy for the upcoming nine (fire) Feng Shui year? How does its earth dog Chinese astrology affect you? What are your trends for wealth, career, relationships, and health? A customized [...]

Personal Strategy Session2020-01-06T08:51:07-05:00

Feng Shui Career Strategy Session

Your Career Strategy Session By popular request, we’re offering one-on-one coaching sessions to discuss your Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology -- and how these principals can help you with career choices. Countless people have done these and absolutely love them. Some had ah-ha moments, some changed their approach with their current job, and some changed direction [...]

Feng Shui Career Strategy Session2020-01-06T08:47:05-05:00
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